The Unexpected?
Tidal Exhibition 2005
The Art Place-Mountain View
October 13-November 11, 2005
As a critic I would say there was nothing unexpected from the show. Although there were some pieces that stood out to me as interesting. "Marie" created by Alison M. Golden captured the innocence of a beautiful child. The photograph gave the feeling of mystery and sorrow for the child, but it also gave the feeling of curiosity. The lighting and composition complimented each other greatly. It left me wanting to see more work like this from Alison. Another piece I was fond of was the ceramic design called "Mmmhh Design is Kinky" by Kenneth Adams. Everything about this piece is fun. The colors, structure, and even the name itself gives an exciting, happy mood.
There were graphic design pieces that caught my eye, but I do not know enough about this area to critique or review it. I am looking forward to the next Kennesaw Senior art show, and hoping to see more aesthetically pleasing artwork that represents the fine arts program we have at Kennesaw State.
Kayla Thomason
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